What should provide the highest level of concern to politicians and legislatures is the death rate related to motor vehicle accidents. In the age group of 15-24 years, the death rate is 24.7, and in the 25 – 44 years age group, the rate is 15.7. This rate is especially alarming in the 15 – 24 years age group, which is almost double when compared to the 25 – 44 years age group. These young individual are constantly on the roads, and are new drivers with very minimal driving experience. There should be an extended or more supervised educational component for new young drivers. The current educational component provided by the DMV to young drivers is proven by these statistics to be ineffective.

National Vital Statistics Reports Volume 58, Number 1, August 19, 2009, Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2007, from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr58/nvsr58_01.pdf